Wednesday, April 11, 2007


news @ - Effects of climate change tallied up
Increased drought, flood and disease 'will hit poorest hardest'.

Effects of climate change tallied up

Increased drought, flood and disease 'will hit poorest hardest'

Michael Hopkin

Climate change is having an impact now on our planet and its life, according to the latest instalment of a report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). And the future problems caused by rising seas, growing deserts and more frequent droughts, all look set to affect the developing world more than rich countries, they add.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006


news @ - Carbon tally shows growing global problem - World summary of emissions reveals continuing gains.
Carbon tally shows growing global problem

World summary of emissions reveals continuing gains.

Global carbon emissions are now growing by 3.2% a year, according to results presented at an Earth science conference in Beijing on 9 November. That's four times higher than the average annual growth of 0.8% from 1990-99.
11月9日の北京での地球科学会議で提出された結果によれば、地球上の炭素排出量は、現在毎年 3.2%増加している。それは、1990-99の間の年平均増加率 0.8%の4倍である。


Wednesday, July 19, 2006


news @ - In the eye of the storm - MIT hurricane researcher Kerry Emanuel talks about how Hurricane Katrina inadvertently made him a public figure, the perils of dealing with the media, and what the field of earth science needs now.
"In the eye of the storm

MIT hurricane researcher Kerry Emanuel talks about how Hurricane Katrina inadvertently made him a public figure, the perils of dealing with the media, and what the field of earth science needs now."

It's a story of fateful coincidences. In early August of last year, atmospheric scientist Kerry Emanuel of MIT had a short paper published in Nature suggesting that hurricanes and tropical storms were growing more destructive and that rising tropical sea surface temperatures may have something to do with this trend. Four weeks later, Hurricane Katrina hit. Emanuel was flooded with phone calls and e-mails from the press and the public asking him questions like whether global warming was causing more hurricanes. He became so well known that Time named him one of this year's 100 "people who shape our world."

Saturday, April 22, 2006


news @ - Hurricanes could cause tsunami threat - Shifting of ocean sediments could trigger undersea landslides.: "Hurricanes could cause tsunami threat

Shifting of ocean sediments could trigger undersea landslides.

Hurricanes whip up gigantic waves at sea, but it seems they could also cause even more dangerous monsters to crash into shore.
Researchers at the US Naval Research Laboratory, based at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, think that hurricanes can pile up sediment underwater that could then slip, causing a tsunami. The team points to geological evidence for unexplained landslides in the Gulf of Mexico thousands of years ago, one of which is thought to have created a wave more than 15 metres high that smashed into the coast of Texas."

Saturday, April 08, 2006


news @ - Healthcare shortage leaves poor countries poorly - Care for women is still falling short, keeping life expectancies low.: "Healthcare shortage leaves poor countries poorly

Care for women is still falling short, keeping life expectancies low.
Mark Peplow
A chronic shortage of health workers is having a deadly impact on developing countries' ability to fight disease, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned."


Friday, March 24, 2006


news @ - Sixth sense can come from within - Our sense of position can rely on signals from the brain rather than the body.
"Sixth sense can come from within

Our sense of position can rely on signals from the brain rather than the body.
To sense where the various parts of our body are, we sometimes rely on signals that originate in our brain rather than in our fingers or toes, a new study shows."


Friday, February 10, 2006


news @ - Bird flu reaches Africa - Experts fear poverty and lack of infrastructure may spread disease.: "Bird flu reaches Africa
Experts fear poverty and lack of infrastructure may spread disease.

The H5NI avian flu virus has broken out in battery farms of poultry in Nigeria; it's the first time the disease has been reported in Africa."
