Monday, November 21, 2005

気候変動:世界一周 - 7大陸とその気象の課題

news @ - Climate change: world round-up - The seven continents and their climate challenges.

Climate change: world round-up
There are few certainties where climate change is concerned. And even relatively straightforward predictions (sea levels, temperatures and global precipitation are all set to rise) will have complex and surprising effects that vary from place to place. So who will be the winners and losers? surveys the seven continents to find out.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

専門家 HIV「奇跡の回復」に警告

news @ - Experts urge caution on HIV 'miracle recovery' - Contradictory tests for antibodies may be down to a false positive.

A British man has hit headlines this week with reports that he has recovered from an HIV infection, having tested positive in August 2002 and negative in the ensuing years.
If this proves to be true on further testing, 25-year-old Andrew Stimpson, living in London, would be the first person confirmed to have eliminated HIV from his body. This would provide researchers with a fascinating test case. But experts caution that much more evidence is needed before one could say that Stimpson was cured of the killer virus.

さらなる検査で、これが本当であると証明されれば、そのロンドンに住む25歳のアンドリュー・スティンプソンは、彼の身体から HIVがなくなったことが確認された最初の人となるだろう。これは、研究者に魅力的な検査結果である。しかし、専門家たちは、スティンプソンがその殺人ウィルスから治癒したと言うには、さらに多くの証拠が必要であると警告している。

Friday, November 04, 2005


news @ - Prions suspected in milk - Sheep mammaries shown to contain agents of fatal brain disease.

"Prions suspected in milk
Sheep mammaries shown to contain agents of fatal brain disease.
The inflamed mammary glands of sheep have been found to contain protein particles that cause scrapie, a sickness similar to mad cow disease. This suggests that the suspect proteins, called prions, may also be present in the milk of infected animals. "

羊の乳房に、死に至る病気の原因となるものが含まれていることが示された。炎症を起こした羊の乳房に、狂牛病に似た病気の scrapieの原因となるタンパク質の分子が含まれていることが発見された。これは、そのプリオンと呼ばれる疑わしいタンパク質が、感染した動物の乳(ミルク)の中にも存在するかもしれないということを意味する。