Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Brain imaging could spot liars

 Tests reveals patches in the brain that light up during a lie.
 Lying activates tell-tale areas of the brain that can be tracked using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), according to scientists who believe the technique could replace traditional lie detectors.


 other topics
  Crop management gets vital role in transgenic debate
   Genetically modified strains have been evaluated in 'real' farming situations.

 from news@nature.com

Saturday, November 27, 2004


Magnetic field benefits bacteria

 Weak magnetism shown to affect chemical reaction inside cells.
 Can magnetic fields affect living creatures? Scientists have spent decades trying to understand how migrating birds might sense the Earth's magnetic field, but have never isolated the biochemical reactions responsible.

 磁場は生物に影響をあたえているのだろうか? 科学者たちは数十年かけて渡り鳥が地球の磁場を感じているのかどうか知ろうと努力してきたが、それに対する独立した生物化学的反応を確認することはできなかった。

 other topics
  Europe prepares to go for fusion alone
   EU says it could build a new reactor without Japanese support.

 from news@nature.com


Marrow cells spawn stomach cancers

 Study prompts rethink about what triggers a tumour.
 Stomach cancers may arise from stray bone-marrow cells rather than stomach cells, according to evidence in mice. The finding could overturn theories about the origins of cancer.


 other topics
  Scientists propose conservation parks on Mars
   International agreement could preserve important sites.
  Concentration hampers simple tasks
   Brain images show thinking about learning makes it more difficult.

 from news@nature.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


African locusts ready for spring

 Insects hit Red Sea as experts await next round of breeding.
 Locusts afflicting Africa could multiply into larger, more voracious swarms by early next year, warn experts, following the insects' high-profile arrival at the Red Sea.


 other topics
  Yushchenko's acne points to dioxin poisoning
   But experts challenge diagnosis that relies on snapshots of politician.

 from news@nature.com


UN ditches cloning ban

 Delegates opt for compromise statement.
 Members of the United Nations last week abandoned the battle to outlaw human cloning and said they would settle for a non-binding declaration instead.


 other topics
  Swift takes to the skies
   Satellite will investigate mysterious bursts of gamma rays.
  Computers confront the art experts
   Automated method seems to spot forgeries as well as a connoisseur does.

 from news@nature.com

Sunday, November 21, 2004

科学者たちは自分の Googleを手に入れた

Scientists get their own Google

 New search engine ranks papers by importance, and finds the free versions.
 Imagine searching the Internet and being able to restrict your results to academic texts. Today Google launched a free search engine that aims to do just that. Google Scholar searches only journal articles, theses, books, preprints, and technical reports across any area of research.

 インターネットを検索し、その結果が学術的なものだけに限定できるということを想像してみよ。今日、Googleは、まさにそれをする目的のフリーのサーチエンジンを開始した。Google Scholarは、全検索領域内から雑誌記事、論文、書物、前刷り、技術リポートなどだけを検索してくれる。

 other topics
  Cheap antibiotic tackles childhood HIV
   WHO revises guidelines to prescribe drug to Africa children.
  Lie-ins keep bed clear of mites
   Dust-mite racetrack reveals preference for cool habitats.
  Following in Pioneer's footsteps
   Calls grow for a mission to find out why old space probes are slowing down.

 from news@nature.com


Ancient ape gives clue to family origins

 Fossil from 13 million years ago sheds light on human split from apes.
 Fossil hunters in Spain have unearthed what seems to be the most recent common ancestor of gorillas, chimpanzees, orang utans and humans. The ape lived almost 13 million years ago, about the time that our different lineages are thought to have diverged.

 スペインの化石収集家は、ゴリラ、チンパンジー、オランウータンや人類の最も近い共通の祖先であると思われる化石を発掘した。その猿人は、およそ 1300万年前、我々の異なる系統が分化したと考えられている時代に生きていた。

 from news@nature.com

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Distance running 'shaped human evolution'

 Our African ancestors may have been talented endurance athletes.
 Long-distance running was crucial in creating our current upright body form, according to a new theory. Researchers have suggested that our early ancestors were good endurance runners, and that their habit has left its evolutionary mark on our bodies, from our leg joints right up to our heads.


 other topics
  Cancer stem cells produce brain tumours
   Mouse study demonstrates source of human cancer.
  Simple wire picks up terahertz waves
   'Coat-hanger' probes could boost airport security.

 from news@nature.com


Red List highlights freshwater species

 Report on threatened animals says turtles are feeling the heat.
 Nearly half of the turtle species on the planet are in trouble, according to the latest Red List report from the World Conservation Union.


 other topics
  NASA plane smashes speed record
   Scramjets could provide new route to space.
  Mass decoding planned for flu strains
   Patterns in genetic sequences may explain virulence.

 from news@nature.com


World's strongest acid created

 Powerful yet gentle compound excels at delicate reactions.
 The world's strongest acid, at least a million times more potent than concentrated sulphuric acid, has been made in a lab in California. Perhaps confusingly, it is also one of the least corrosive.


 other topics
  Dolphins identified by their curves
   Fin recognition system helps animals to be tracked without tags.
  Antibiotics get new lease of life
   Drug-resistant bacteria can be forced to eject their protective DNA.
  US tests antimissile laser
   But airborne weapon may fail to disable distant launches.

 from news@nature.com

Saturday, November 13, 2004


SMART-1 arrives at the Moon

 Probe proves ion-drive technology and may uncover lunar secrets.
 It's been a long trip, but Europe's first Moon mission is finally nearing its goal. SMART-1, launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) way back on 27 September 2003, will go into orbit around the Moon on 15 November.

 それは長い旅であったが、ヨーロッパ最初の月探査はついにその目的に近づいている。ヨーロッパ宇宙局(ESA)によって、遡ること 2003年9月27日に打ち上げられたスマート-1は、11月15日に月の軌道に乗ることになるだろう。

 other topics
  Nanotubes keep tabs on breathing
   Tiny technology could monitor patients' vital signs.
  Cyborg geologist explores Spain
   Part human, part machine tests kit for planetary missions.

 from news@nature.com

Friday, November 12, 2004


Sea urchins reveal spiky secret

 Complex crystal spines are moulded in a 'squeezy bag' and set solid.
 Scientists have long envied sea urchins' ability to fashion spines from single, large crystals. Now they have cracked the prickly creatures' secret and made a discovery that could spur the development of dental implants and bone grafts.


 other topics
  Mice with 'good' genes succumb to vCJD
   New strains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may yet emerge.
  Vaccine cripples sperm in monkeys
   Male contraception options set to broaden.

 from news@nature.com

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Music mirrors tone patterns in our speech

 Classic English and French composers influenced by their language.
 Would Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance or Debussy's Clair de Lune have sounded the same if the composers had been born in different countries? Probably not, according to researchers who have found that the melodies composers write are influenced by the language they speak.


 other topics
  RNA treatment lowers cholesterol
   Mouse study points way for targeting 'interference' therapies.

 from news@nature.com


Excess vitamin E may harm health

 'Health-boosting' supplements shown to increase risk of death.
 Stocking up on vitamin E pills may damage more than the contents of your wallet. The dose of vitamin E contained in off-the-shelf supplements can increase your risk of dying, if taken daily, researchers have found.


 other topics
  Quantum lab fits on a chip
   Matter and light mingle inside semiconductors.
  Trains get fluffy
   High speed trains could beat friction by gliding like snowboards.

 from news@nature.com

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Global warming alters US wildlife

 Report warns of damaging changes in animal and plant habits.
 Climate warming is influencing the lifestyles of animals and plants right across the United States, a report has warned. The changes are bringing rival species into contact with each other and could upset entire ecosystems.


 other topics
  Mice regrow damaged spinal cord
   Scar block encourages nerves in spine to regenerate.
  Rules outlined for $50-million space prize
   Winner could be a taxi service for orbiting hotel.
  Regular pill popping decreases heart risks
   Daily placebo works better than taking an active drug irregularly.

 from news@nature.com

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Second black hole found at the centre of our Galaxy

 Seven stars orbiting the region identify the invisible object.
 A second black hole lurks at the centre of our Galaxy, according to astronomers who have watched a cluster of stars spinning around it.


 other topics
  A speedy recipe for supercomputing
   World's second fastest computer built in just 120 days.

 from news@nature.com

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Cosmic doomsday delayed

 Universe won't end for 24 billion years... probably.
 You can breathe a sigh of relief: the Universe will last for at least the next 24 billion years, according to astrophysicists who have modelled the mysterious force of dark energy to work out the fate of the cosmos.


 other topics
  Registry could nail causes of Parkinson's
   Californian database may help track down roots of brain disease.
  Stickiness takes on new shapes
   Model of how animals stick to walls could aid engineers.

 from news@nature.com

Friday, November 05, 2004


Black-hole emissions untangled

 Spinning matter sends out two types of X-ray.
 Black holes spew out X-rays in two distinct ways, astronomers have shown. Being able to separate the components of X-ray signals should help astronomers understand how black holes work.


 other topics
  Mars Express pictures action of glaciers
   Orbiter snaps martian canyons, while failed Beagle team fights for another chance.
  Diluted flu vaccine works well
   Splitting dose might help to stretch scarce stocks.

 from news@nature.com

Thursday, November 04, 2004


California says 'yes' to stem-cell research

 $3-billion initiative will fund creation of human cell lines.
 George W. Bush has won the presidential election. But Republicans are not the only ones celebrating the poll results: biologists who wish to pursue human embryonic stem-cell research have also had good news. All they have to do is move to California, if they aren't already there, and apply for a share of the $3 billion that voters have just approved for their field.


 other topics
  Bush wins second term as US president
   Experts anticipate friction between state and federal science policies.
  Hotlines capture e-voting glitches
   Voter reports reveal slip-ups but no catastrophic failures.

 from news@nature.com


Recreating a 2,000-year-old cosmetic

 Ancient cream gave Roman aristocrats a pale complexion.
 A sealed Roman pot, unearthed at an archaeological dig in London, caused much speculation about its 2,000-year-old contents when it was opened in front of the media last summer.


 other topics
  Fish with cleft lip solves evolution riddle
   Gap-toothed species shines light on nostril development.

 from news@nature.com

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Supernova debris found on Earth

 Ancient explosion may have affected climate and, possibly, human evolution.
 Cosmic fallout from an exploding star dusted the Earth about 2.8 million years ago, and may have triggered a change in climate that affected the course of human evolution. The evidence comes from an unusual form of iron that was blasted through space by a supernova before eventually settling into the rocky crust beneath the Pacific Ocean.

 およそ 280万年前に、爆発した星から放射された物質が地球に降り注ぎ、人類の進化の課程に影響を及ぼす気候変動を引き起こしたかも知れない。その証拠は、超新星によって宇宙空間で爆破され、最後には太平洋の下にある地殻に落ちた稀な形状の鉄である。

 other topics
  Early embryos fuel hopes for shortcut to stem-cell creation
   Stem-cell lines harvested from embryos just four days old.
  Are Americans getting taller?
   European expert accuses US survey of positive spin

 from news@nature.com

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Spider webs untangle evolution

 Similarity of construction shows 'convergent evolution' applies to behaviour.
 The biologist Stephen Jay Gould famously proposed that if we could "rewind the tape" of evolution and play it again, chance would give rise to a world that was completely different from the one we live in now. But the concept that chance reigns supreme may ring less true when it comes to complex behaviours.


 other topics
  First insects are cloned
   Fly results might benefit methods for cloning mammals.
  Ancient nuclear power controlled by water
   Geological reactors might hold lessons for today's nuclear plants.
  Space shuttle delayed again
   Hurricanes disrupted 'return to flight' schedule, says NASA.

 from news@nature.com

Monday, November 01, 2004


100,000 civilians may have died in Iraq conflict

 Study suggests most of those killed were women and children.
 As many as 100,000 civilians may have been killed as a consequence of the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, according to the first attempt at a systematic analysis, published on 29 October.


 from news@nature.com