Wednesday, July 19, 2006


news @ - In the eye of the storm - MIT hurricane researcher Kerry Emanuel talks about how Hurricane Katrina inadvertently made him a public figure, the perils of dealing with the media, and what the field of earth science needs now.
"In the eye of the storm

MIT hurricane researcher Kerry Emanuel talks about how Hurricane Katrina inadvertently made him a public figure, the perils of dealing with the media, and what the field of earth science needs now."

It's a story of fateful coincidences. In early August of last year, atmospheric scientist Kerry Emanuel of MIT had a short paper published in Nature suggesting that hurricanes and tropical storms were growing more destructive and that rising tropical sea surface temperatures may have something to do with this trend. Four weeks later, Hurricane Katrina hit. Emanuel was flooded with phone calls and e-mails from the press and the public asking him questions like whether global warming was causing more hurricanes. He became so well known that Time named him one of this year's 100 "people who shape our world."